Welcome to aFREAKa's official Online Store!
You are now one step closer to being part of the pack!
It has taken a little longer than expected, but after many weeks of hard freaking work we have done it! aFREAKa has an online store, making it even easier for our fans, old and new, to get hold of one of our amazing onesies and to see what new and exciting designs we come up with.
If you feel like unleashing your FREAK, or wearing one of our stylish INYE one-piece onesies, we have everything you need. From pink elephants, black & white pandas, flying squirrels or koala bears, to our smart INYE onesies. Everything is here. We also have cool aFREAKa t-shirts and caps, so please feel free to browse through our store, and if you have any questions give us a ring or send us a message or email.
We will, of course, continue to be present at various festivals where you can also become one of the pack. In the near future we might also consider renting some out for music festivals, so watch this space!
For now, enjoy our online store and let us know what you think!
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